Friday, June 24

Last days of magic.

And then it's there before you know it, the day to leave Erasmus paradise. My last weeks in Montpellier I've just been ignoring the fact that day would come and now I'm already 3 days home and I just find myself scrolling the whole day through pictures of these last wicked 5 months.
Last week my dad came to Montpellier to kidnap me back home and finally on tuesday the car drove us back to the country of beer. A car filled with roadsigns, other collected stuff from the past months and a grumpy daughter with loads of precious Erasmus memories spinning trough the back of her head.
Before my lapse into post-erasmus depression, lucky me still did a lot of cool stuff.
Camping on the beach with a bunch of friends, crashing some goodbyeparties, attending "Le Apéro Géant" which was a bit overrated so we all decided to dive into a fountain, a short visit to St. Guilhem Le Désert, buying some muscat for on the way home and then finally attending my own last dinner in Montpellier...

Sunset on the camping night

waking up at the beach.

Apéro Géant

Last Night in Montpellier

Benji and Samuel, hero's for walking home at night over the aqueduc.

So Mr. Erasmus, thanks a lot for these 5 wonderfull months of my life in  beautiful Montpellier but most importantly for all these friendships and hilarious moments carved in my mind untill I get alzheimer. I return back home with this bittersweet itchyness in my mind. Bitter, to know that I won't see all the people I've spent 5 months for a while. But also sweet, cause I'm about to see my loving friends and family back after a long period of abscence.
"Ceci n'est pas une fontaine!"

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