Monday, March 19


That friday morning I had promised Charis to set my alarm and wake up at nine to make sure we got our hands on tickets for the radiohead concert in october. So while I was slowly preparing my lazy friday morning breakfast in the kitchen ( in total zen modus ) around 9.20 AM it suddenly hit me like a rock, the tickets!!! I rushed back upstairs, mueslibowl and coffeemug in hands, sincerely hoping that I still had a shot at buying them. After some nervewrecking minutes watching the buyers page reload and reload and reload, I finally got them!

So far so good, next challenge is to learn Thom's choreography  on Lotus Flower by heart by october 18th.  Sweet.

Radiohead music always brings out some dark and heavy mood in me and and maybe weird but despite that fact I really enjoy listening to them. Their music creates that stream of unconscious thoughts on which you float away from reality on busy days like these. I spent to much time not listening to them over the past months. So if you see me wandering by, head in clouds, I'm not on drugs but dancing Lotus Flower in my head.

There's an empty space inside my heart
where the weeds take root
so now I'll set you free
I'll set you free.
Radiohead - Lotus Flower


  1. just saw them in St. Louis , Missouri, USA a few weeks ago! Tom York's dancing is awesome!!! Where are you seeing them?

  2. hey Abby! aaah so cool, was it a good concert? They're coming in october to Belgium can't wait :-)

    and this spring weather makes me Montpellier-nostalgic

    Take care! x
