picture by Sporadic Soul. |
When I got back from Erasmus and Nicaragua I was loudly making clear to everyone that there was no chance of seeing me in a working environment after my college graduation (hopelfully in june 2012). But university started again and every 5 minutes you hear the serious people talk about the future and careers and the economic crisis and blablabla...
On top of that it seems that every single company of Belgium throws a "meet&eat" lately for bio-engineering students. Forced by peer-pressure I felt that I should attend at least some of them and damn these company-people are good at their job cause I started doubting...
But when I think of myself right now (stressy, always in a hurry, procrastinating to the max because I'm bored with what I have to do,...) I always find myself thinking about all the stuff I always wanted to do since I was little but never found the time to do it. And now I'm 23 (in my eyes, almost a granny) and my to-do list only got longer.
-have a band and sing for a living, f*ck yeah
-continue my once started violin education
-take some time off on an island to learn to play properly guitar instead of just rambling and squeeling around every now and then when I get depressed or extremely happy
-write my (sober & drunk) memoires into a soapstory
-make photographs for a living ( and finally read all the user guide's of the camera's I use)
-save the world from starvation and the diminishing tree population or become some kind of Nelson Mandela/AlbertA Einstein so I can use my (hopefully soon) bio-engineering degree for at least some purpose
-make a world trip on my own for at least a year and do some journalism on the road
-surf like madderfakking Kelly Slater
-kitesurf like aaahm... a ninja
-be an Après Ski bar waitress for a winter season and become a snowboard ninja
-read allllll the books and novels I wanted to read the past years while drinking rivers of hot cocoa
-be a housewife every now and then, so I can finally make all the recipes I ever bought a cookbook for
-find me a decent man (probably I'll have to wait until travelling to space becomes affordable because on earth they seem to be extinguished.)
-live as a fashion-blogger in the (luvofmylife) city Barcelona
-ride with a hippie van through Europe in festival season with a bunch of crazy in the coconut friends
As you probably can see my to-do list hasn't got a lot to do with what I studied for the past 5 years of my life. Duh. I mean every day when I'm supposed to start writing on my thesis, I'm browsing the world-wide-web (thank you God for sending us internet) in search of art educations in La Cambre, music studies at conservatories, volunteering programs in Africa, exchange masterstudies in far far away from here,...
What to do what to do, Dear Santa Claus bring me the solution...
For now I decided maybe the best thing is just live from day to day. Seize it, or not and finish this year and maybe for once start working properly on my thesis and then we'll see... But a girl can dream right? And you only live once... so in order not to be a grumpy one when I turn 60 I think I should go for at least some tags on my to do list.
Nighty night.
Love Luis. x
Véél succes! Als 't u allemaal lukt, trakteer ik u ene, liefst nog op een macua in galerias! ;)