Tuesday, August 23

Oh mamma I want to go surfing.

This was my weekend:

Friday night: watching sea turtles laying their eggs on the beach. The females get out of the water at night to do that. We went to natural parc La Flor, we were lucky the guides told for the amount of turtles that night.
 (not my picture as we weren't allowed to scare them with flashy camera lights, but it gives you an idea...)
What did we learn? turtles DO run fast and make funny breathing noises.

Saturday Surfing.
Yummie breakfast = Carrot-muffins + watermelon-pineapple-orange smoothie
Coffee House, El Gato Negro, San Juan Del Sur.

Epic Beach. Only we were there and some other dropped surfers.


Maurine, Hannah and me.
2 x 2 too strong caipirinha's = more ice-cream
This is San Juan Del Sur. I Like.
If one day I have to flee the country, I know my shelter place. <3 SJDS
It was quite an effort to get there with all the public transport hussle, luckily my travel crew could convince me to come over cause it was totally worth it. Surfing is becoming one of my  healthiest addictions so far.
My batteries are charged for a new week of thesis-battle.

In the meantime, what the heck is going on in Belgium dude? Hurricanes, storms, apocalyptical festivals? 
It has almost come to the point my heart rate rises automatically when I'm waiting for the Standaard's website to load in the morning.
Hang on there tigers!