Wednesday, August 17


What struck my eye//mind//heart//ears lately...

I don't know if it's cause I'm far away from all grown-up parental advice, but I'm seriously doubting about getting a tattoo one day. I met this Australian girl who got this back tattoo in California during her trip. It caught my eye.

Sergio Villalba Photography. 

mailbox happiness from friends back home.

Old School Skate Pics. 

New School Skate Pics.

Explosions in the sky finally released a new album: "Take Care, Take Care, Take Care". It's once again, a masterpiece. Remembered me of their concert in Brussels two years ago, just as it was yesterday. Time flies, really.

A whole lotta love.

On my wishlist.

On my wishlist, pt.2

Gil Scot-Herron (+) meets Jamie XX
-We're New Here-
The XX all ready knocked me off my socks last year but this sugar for the ears was definitely on my music highlight list this year.

Taking pictures "en plein" Nicaraguan nature.

So I spent a lot of time behind my dearest digital friend lately and I must admit that I'm getting kind of 'world-wide-web' crazy... So much images, music, stories catch my eye while I'm staying in a country where most people would send me to hell for listening to the kind of music that pumps trough my ears while I'm working on my thesis. Anyway, inspiration by bits&bytes or just straight from real life, it's what keeps my braincells going.


  1. LluisaLove! Ik wilde deze vogeltattoo toen ik terug kwam uit Italië. Still considering trouwens... ;)

  2. Jis inderdaad prachtig! Ik heb al veel gelijkaardige gespot en inderdaad die vogeltattoo's é. Ik vrees gewoon als ik een zet dat ik onterfd ga worden...

  3. Hi

    Great photos!

    I would like to use one of your photos on my website. It is the photo of the surf van on the beach. Can I have permission to use it please?

    For more information email me on

    Thank you
